As the name suggests, glass hand pipes are out of glass by blowing them into a design. These pipes are available in a variety of designs, shape and sizes. So, if you are searching for a unique pipe that can also serve as a decoration piece, opting for a glass pipe would be a good idea.
Hand pipes offer plenty of advantages. Besides not having to spend on rolling papers, setting these pipes up doesn’t take too much time. What’s more, users are able to add the exact amount they would prefer smoking in one sitting. Glass pipes are also quite easy to clean, which is why they are a go to option for many.
Mentioned below is a list of items you will require to use your hand pipe:
Once you have these items, follow these steps to use your hand pipe the right way.
Grind the flower: Before you add weed in the pipe, make sure that it is small enough so that manipulating it isn’t difficult. Using a smoothie maker, kitchen knife, a pair of scissors or a weed grinder can do the trick.
Adding the Weed: Take a clump of marijuana and insert it in the glass pipe’s bowl end. Make sure you pack in enough weed to prevent it from drifting out the bowl. However, make sure that you do not pack the weed in too tightly as it will prevent the smoke from passing through and make it quite difficult to heat up.
Heat up the Bowl: Take your matches or lighter and heat up the ground weed. After a few minutes the cannabis flower you chose will start burning and create smoke. Make sure you are extremely careful after the cannabis lights up. If your bowl becomes too hot, there is a good chance that you applied an excessive amount of heat. In such cases, hold the glass pipe by its stem for avoiding burns.
Start Smoking: Put the mouthpiece between your lips and take a deep breath using your lungs. Remember to keep an eye on the weed while you are smoking – in case it cools down, make sure to light it up to ensure the smoke continues flowing.
Spoon pipes are the go to option for many smokers. This is because these pipes are especially made to for comfort and user friendliness. Users can fit these pipes in their palm, which is quite convenient. The size of the smoking bowl often varies in spoon pipes but in most cases, it is enough for half a gram of flower.
While glass is still the most popular hand pipe option out there, silicone might be a close second. This is because this material offers is quite durable and is especially ideal for those who don’t have experience handling pipes and other smoking devices. Another reason why silicone is a great option is that unlike many other materials, it doesn’t impart pungent odors or alter the taste of your ground flower when smoking.
Novelty glass pipes are usually collectibles. These pipes are quite unique and usually of high quality. Most people opt for novelty pipes because similar to a new tattoo, haircut or outfit, they express their unique personalities and styles.
If you are still on the fence about which pipe option you should go for, mentioned below are a few pros and cons of glass pipes and wooden pipes to help you decide:
Glass pipes and glass water pipes both consist of a water chamber that ensures the smoke flows smoothly. The water minimizes the smoke’s harshness by filtering its toxins and cooling it down. Both pipes can offer a big and excellent tasting hit due to their water chambers. That said, the water chamber’s size is smaller in glass water pipes, giving glass pipes the edge.